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10 exciting things every New York University (NYU) student can do in $1000

by Education

Here are the most exciting things that can deliver a unique experience to a New York University(NYU) student without spending a fortune.

NYU has cult followers worldwide, owing to its excellent faculty, grade records, and coursesit offers. Apart from these commendable advantages, the thing which attracts students the most is the university’s campus.

NYU’S campus covers a large area of over 171 buildings between Manhattan and Brooklyn, offering anyone extracurricular opportunities to grab!

The campus includes plenty of affordable non-scholastic activity for you, if not free. All you need to have just $1000 in your pocket, and you are good to go. 


1) Picnic at Washington Square Park 

Picnic! Yes, you hear it right, we all love to picnic, and the one who organizes it is always the rock star of campus? One who knows more about the right spots than anyone else.

Going to picnic day sounds like a perfect weekend to all of us and doing it in Washington Square Park is like having a cherry on the cake. 

Location – Washington Square Park is right in the middle of the university’s campus, a go-to place for every student. This hangout place has a pleasant atmosphere, especially during the fall season, as various small bands’ performances and free concerts frequently occur over here.

Do not miss the opportunity to counter homework stress by chilling beneath starry night. 

2) Night out at Peculiar Pub 

Do you feel stress after a day at NYU? Well! Who does not?

NYU’s academic schedule is quite hectic.

How about spending a fun-filled night with your friends? 

If you are in, Peculiar Pub should be the first  think to check out. It is a pocket-friendly, well designed, music-friendly one-stop destination among the graduate school students, owing to its affordable refreshments and comfortable ambience.

From lots of junk like chicken fingers, onion rings, burgers to healthier foods such as salads and wraps; Peculiar Pub has it all.

Give this place a visit and discover the secrets of happiness. 

3) Treat yourself with a coffee at Think Coffee 

Suzy’s life was an absolute mess. Homework sheets piled up two feet high in the living room. Dirty dishes covered the counter. It had gotten so bad that Suzy was under stress. 

Can you have related to Suzy? Well, we do! But we also know, “As long as there is coffee in the world, how bad could things be we can get over with them?”

Think Coffee is the dearest place for every overstressed NYU’s student. This place has the best school vibe with lots of university’s student sitting with their books, study notes and laptops while sipping Coffee. 

If you do not need coffee during college hours, are you a student?

4) Tickle your funny bone at Comedy clubs 

The airlines used to make Rod buy one seat on the airplane. Not only was it cheap, but it was also amusing!

To your amazement, NYU campus is surrounded by various comedy clubs to tickle your funny bones endlessly. Comedy clubs like Greenwich Village comedy club, Gotham comedy club, and New York comedy club offer cozy bars which feature comedians in open mic events 7 nights a week. This place is a stress buster.

After all, “laughter is the best medicine, right?”

5) Extracurricular Clubs for fun 

We know what it’s like to act. You see, one of our teammates was that kid who could not control his hands while delivering a presentation. 

I know you don’ want to be like him.

There are various clubs like art, sports, and drama and so on near the NYU campus. The co-educational activity can help in your creative juices flowing – Join them!

Remember, “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.”

6) Go biking across the Brooklyn Bridge 

You toss and turn all night, staring at your alarm clock, counting down the hours until it goes off. If only you could fall asleep. 

Well! How about going on a long bike ride with friends? Visit the nearest bike hiring store.

Extend your ride from Brooklyn Bridge to Williamsburg or Manhattan Bridge to avoid additional traffic and have pleasure. Do not forget to thank us!

7) Shopping at Thrift shops 

Shopping is fun. It’s fun having “pizza.” It is love when you’re out with a friend.

Beacon’s Closet, Buffalo Exchange and Awoke Vintage are some of the thrift shops you can hit even on a low budget.

Williamsburg is a one-stop shopping destination if you don’t plan to spend all your money on buying a pair of socks.

8) Explore Eerie environment at Sleep No More 

You told yourself last New Year’s that this is the year you’d have a thrilling experience. And here we are a few months later, and nothing has changed. You still can’t fit into compelling experiences. Try Sleep No More! It is a theatrical depiction of Macbeth set in McKittrick Hotel. You will encounter mysterious characters, scary environments and wander in and out of actual scenes. This unusual and exciting activity is enough to have that adrenaline rush in you.

9) Escape in beauty of Elizabeth Street Garden 

Imagine what it would be like to discover yourself in a breath of fresh air, and the lush green field. How about rejuvenating yourself?

City life and its overburden routine can only be swayed away by this green beauty. Visit Elizabeth Street Garden to cut off from their hectic schedule. The place is comparatively less crowded and ideal for picnic, group studies or for merely spending time with yourself.

10) Bookworm’s paradise 

We don’t have to tell you how embarrassing it is to lack meaningful thoughts. The only place you can discover the secret to having good ideas is a bookstore. Imagine how your confidence would soarif you often visit bookstores to buy books!

The Strand, Mc Nally Jackson, Blue Stockings and many more are the famous bookstores around NYU Campus. Do not miss them!   

P.S. – We know the above things, you want to explore them, but they can be a bit tiring when accompanied by your school assignments and exams.

You see, we at Statistics Explained already spent two years helping NYU students in scoring better grades in their subjects.

We completely understand that enjoying your leisure time holds as much importance as scoring good grades. Having a clear mind, in turn, helps anyone to concentrate better.

If you want to enjoy the luxury of learning something new without compromising your academic grades then WhatsApp us, we promise we will help you out! – irrespective of your budget.

Keep your worries aside and have a taste of life and move a step forward towards a better university experience.


At Statistics Explained, with in-house team of geniuses, offer professional services beyond measures, combining, learning, understanding, acquiring skills, and solving problems. The smart move to save time while learning to excel at the subject lies with Statistics Explained. The road to success is the hardest one and all we do is, give you a little push so that you can equip yourself better for the bigger battle. 

Say goodbye to worries and say ‘hi’ to Statistics Explained!

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